2024 CSB Rebate Program

The due date to submit an application for the CSB Rebate Program is January 9, 2025.

Friendly Reminder from the EPA:

The EPA is offering at least $965 million for electric, propane, and compressed natural gas school buses through the 2024 Clean School Bus Rebate Program! The short, quick, and simple application is due by 4 PM ET on January 9, 2025. Don’t miss out on this AMAZING opportunity to receive up to $325,000 per bus to help your community make the transition to clean school buses!

Some helpful resources for potential applicants:

A note on the Supplemental Application Forms:

  • The intent of the School Board Awareness Certification and Electric Utility Partnership Template listed as supplemental application forms for the 2024 CSB Rebate Program is to ensure awareness of all parties involved in the potential new bus project.
  • These documents are not binding, meaning that applicants do not need to complete a full utility analysis or otherwise fully commit to proceeding with the potential new bus project if selected for funding.
  • For the School Board Awareness Certification, an authorized representative may include, for example, the Superintendent or their representative, who could sign the form after notifying an appropriate person at the Board of the application for the potential new bus project. This early communication is meant to provide notice, and the EPA fully expects that rebate awardees and their appropriate school board will have additional communications as needed as part of the award acceptance process.
  • If applicants requesting electric school buses are unable to complete the cost estimate, scope of utility upgrades, and/or time estimate on the required Electric Utility Partnership Template by the application deadline, but have been able to complete the rest of the template, including all signatures, a partially completed form can be submitted with the intent to complete the form by award notification, if selected.

For more information, please visit epa.gov/cleanschoolbus. You can also sign up for the listserv to stay in touch about Clean School Bus Program Funding. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know at cleanschoolbus@epa.gov.

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