This episode of TASBOcast features Dr. Jeanene S. Dutt, who provides an overview on the training, Do What Matters Most.
In this episode of TASBOcast, TASBO Chief Learning Officer Jason W. Meek and Chief Communications Officer Tom Greer have a thoughtful discussion with Dr. Jeanene S. Dutt, Superintendent of North Warren Regional School District in New Jersey.
Dr. Dutt is presenting one of two Bonus Sessions at the upcoming TASBO Engage Conference. Dr. Dutt is a certified trainer and coach for Becoming Your Best Global Leadership. At our conference she will introduce attendees to the principles of Do What Matters Most training.
Learn more about her session in the latest edition of the TASBO Report magazine.
"I plan to share how living the principles in my personal life assisted me in structuring my district around a collective vision and strategic planning." - Dr. Jeanene S. Dutt