Find Cost Savings by Integrating the Procurement Process

Desk Top Science

Amazon Business helped Spring Branch ISD find cost savings by streamlining their procurement process.

Most school districts could do a lot with $154K in savings. When Spring Branch ISD updated their procurement process to utilize Amazon Business, an analysis of historical spend revealed a savings opportunity of up to 30% within the office and classroom supply category. For this high-performing district of 35,000 students across 47 schools, that represented a huge chance to reclaim valuable district funds in the wake of unexpected budget changes.

Amazon Business offered supporting requirements that complied with state and district purchasing guidelines and integrated with the district’s existing procurement software. Now, the district can easily get multiple quotes and make purchase decisions based on price, delivery speed, and availability. Tracking and data visibility means administrators have a birds-eye view of spending patterns, which aids in planning and budgeting.

Perhaps most importantly, the new tools makes it easier and more efficient for teachers and staff to search for supplies and choose from millions of products. Teachers can request what they need, get administrative approval, and quickly receive the items they need in the classroom. Because at the end of the day, every dollar saved contributes to the district’s mission of providing a top-tier education for its students.

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