Jason Gossett, RTSBA Executive Director of Financial Services | Klein ISD
Jason Gossett, RTSBA Executive Director of Financial Services | Klein ISD
How did you get your start in school business?
After a year teaching and coaching, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to join Wylie ISD as a newly created Accountant Position. I was fortunate to start in a new position because the duties were able to evolve with my abilities and experiences.
What do you like best about your job and where you work?
My favorite thing about my current position is the problem solving. Every ISD has opportunities, the key is being able to identify, find a solution, and implement a process or system that improves the operations of the District. I love that Klein ISD is focused on continuous improvement, not only on the academics, but on leadership, operations, basically everything.
Why do you recommend TASBO to your colleagues? What programs and services do you find useful?
TASBO was vital in the beginning of my career in school business. The learning sessions were key to gaining the knowledge and skills to work in school business. As my career has progressed, the TASBO connect, webinars and emails, are an easy way to keep up to date with the latest changes and hot topics we all need access to. The annual conference is also a great resource not only for the classes and breakout sessions, but for the connections and networking.
What is your favorite TASBO training to attend and why?
I enjoy the learning and networking at the annual conference every year. I get a chance to reconnect with past coworkers and friends from other districts and learn best practices from other leaders in school business.
What was your childhood dream job?
When I was a child, I didn't have just one dream job. I wanted to be a veterinarian, architect, or even own my own gym. I had many interests and I think that is why I enjoy school business so much. Although I am in the finance office, I have worked with architects, coaches, and teachers, so basically I get to have aspects of all my dream jobs all wrapped up in one.
What are three things you would take with you on a deserted island?
Satellite Cell Phone, Machete, and Bear Grylls
Tell us a fun fact (or two!) about yourself:
School Business is a family business for the Gossetts. My brother works for Lubbock ISD, my sister is a teacher and my parents as well as my aunt are former retired superintendents. I have lived in almost every geographic area of Texas. I grew up in West Texas, spent some time in the DFW and East Texas, a few years in Central Texas and the South Plains. Now I call Houston and the Gulf Coast home.
What's one thing you're excited about/looking forward to in the future?
I am excited about the future and development of my children. Each and every day they surprise their mother and I with how smart and funny they are. I am excited to see where they go in life.