People in My Schools: A Talk with PEIMS Professionals

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Episode 6 of TASBOcast features two RISE Award Recipients, Dr. Julie J. Guillory from Fort Bend ISD and Karen Holyfield from Gilmer ISD. Both are PEIMS professionals who discuss the basics of PEIMS, its importance to school planning, and hot topics.

Learn the basics of PEIMS, its importance to school planning, and updates in our chat with Dr. Julie J. Guillory from Fort Bend ISD and Karen Holyfied from Gilmer ISD. Both were part of the 2020 RISE Award class, which honors members who show exceptional leadership early in their time with TASBO. They also discuss their start in education and PEIMS, and discuss the upcoming PEIMS Academy.

TASBOcast is the official podcast of TASBO and is available on most major podcast sites or can be listened on the TASBOcast website.

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