Tracy Ginsburg Celebrates 10 Years as TASBO Executive Director


In September, the TASBO Board celebrated Tracy Ginsburg's 10-year anniversary at TASBO.

This Fall marked Tracy Ginsburg's 10-year anniversary as Executive Director of TASBO. Before leading TASBO, Tracy was CFO for Round Rock ISD, and then Fort Bend ISD. She also served as TASBO Board President. In 2013, ASBO named Tracy as its Eagle Award Recipient and, most recently, was honored by the Texas Society of Association Executives with its Distinguished Executive Award.

Tracy's tenure has been successful and filled with milestones. Here are some of TASBO accomplishments since 2013:

  • Implementation of professional sponsorship program
  • Nearly doubling membership
  • Relocation and expansion of TASBO headquarters and staff
  • Expansion of eLearning
  • Creation of Center for School Finance
  • Expansion of leadership development programs
  • and most recently, a full rebrand

Tracy worked hand-and-hand with the board of directors and staff to implement these initiatives, many of which formed during the strategic planning process. Here is a salute video from the board...

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