Consulting Services
Let Professionals Evaluate Your District Operations
TASBO has led consulting services for more than twenty years. During that period, we have helped school districts improve efficiency in the following areas:
- transportation systems
- custodial operations
- business offices
- tax offices
- child nutrition programs
- information management systems
- an assortment of other areas.
More specifically, recent projects included enhancing:
- PEIMS submissions
- compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act
- master schedules to balance class loads
- construction project savings
- energy conservation
- staffing guidelines
- compliance with federal program requirements
- operational policies and procedures
Use Helpful Review Teams Filled with Experienced Practitioners
Our consulting services have identified millions of dollars in savings for school districts throughout Texas. The review teams are composed of TASBO staff members and experts from school districts, with years of experience. After the reviews are completed, we often discover that the individuals who served on the review teams and the employees of the school district continue to help one another. This creates a network of professionals who share ideas for improvement and benefits other school districts as well.
Successful Outcomes
Could a review improve your operations or help reduce your budget? Typically, our consulting services identify enough cost savings to cover the cost of the review and often identify savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars. We would be happy to discuss possibilities with you so that you can decide if you are interested in receiving a proposal.
Interested in TASBO Consulting Services?
Provide your contact information and select the type of review for which you seek assistance.