Three New Changes to Certification Course Requirements
The Professional Certification Standing Committee recently met to identify and remove barriers to the requirements needed to obtain a TASBO certification. Whether you are working towards your first certification, interested in another level, or looking for continuing education, TASBO has a lineup of courses ready to meet your needs!
- For CTSBS and CTSBO, there are no required in-person courses. For RTSBA, three courses must be taken in person.
- Please note: If you have completed all of your coursework by December 31, 2021, this new requirement is waived.
- Please note: If you have completed all of your coursework by December 31, 2021, this new requirement is waived.
- School business experience gained outside of Texas counts towards total experience, at least one year must be from Texas.
- Removed the requirement of a certain number of consecutive years at one school district.
Certification Courses Options:
- In-person: Full Calendar
- At the Engage Annual Conference
- List of online certification courses
For further questions or more information, please visit the TASBO Certification website or email cert@tasbo.org.