Spotlight on Sherra McGaha, RTSBA

Sherra Mc Gaha News

Sherra McGaha, RTSBA | Director of Budget & Compliance | Plano ISD

How did you get your start in school business?

About 5 years ago a school district reached out to me to see if I would be interested in making a change. I have worked in many different facets of the corporate world and at that stage of my life, I thought a change would be good and provide some inspirational work. And it has!

What do you like best about your job and where you work?

I really enjoy the versatility and project management aspect of my work. There is a lot of strategy involved with the budget and it touches all areas.

Why do you recommend TASBO to your colleagues? What programs and services do you find useful?

TASBO events and education opportunities are a great way to increase learning and collaboration. I also appreciate the certification program. Two very positive aspects are the competitive edge it brings and how highly the program is regarded in the industry.

What is your favorite TASBO training to attend and why?

The TASBO Engage Annual Conference. It’s a trifecta of learning, fun, and collaboration.

What was your childhood dream job?

To be a surgeon. I know, a little off track from being in finance! However, I feel like where I landed is where I am supposed to be.

What book could you read over and over again?

Anything by C.S. Lewis or Bill Creasy

Tell us a fun fact (or two!) about yourself:

I grew up rebuilding Ford Mustangs and racing them.

What's one thing you're excited about/looking forward to in the future?

Creating good memories with my children and grandkids!

If you have your certification or are currently working towards one, tell us what it means to you to be TASBO certified.

It feels accomplished. I'm very proud to have the RTSBA initials by my name.

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