The TxSSC has created a flyer with links to resources from the Keep ’Em Safe Texas campaign from Texas DPS to assist districts with meeting this legislative mandate.
As required by Texas Education Code 37.222, the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC), in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), is providing each school district and open-enrollment charter school information and resources regarding the safe storage of firearms including information on section 46.13 of the Texas Penal Code. Districts must provide this information to the parent or guardian of each student enrolled in the district or school. The TxSSC recommends providing this information at least once annually.
The TxSSC has created a flyer with links to resources from the Keep ’Em Safe Texas campaign from Texas DPS to assist districts with meeting this legislative mandate. Districts may select the resources and formats that best fit their needs. The flyer also includes a parent cover letter template that districts may adapt to introduce the resources and provide parents with information on section 46.13 of the Penal Code
In 2021, 4,613 Texans experienced gun-related deaths. Restricting access to guns is critical in reducing acts of violence, whether as self-harm or towards others. Guns should be stored unloaded in a safe or locked container, with ammunition stored elsewhere. You can learn more and find additional resources from the Texas DPS at