In striving to keep our promise to provide clarity, anticipate questions, and be member-focused problem solvers, TASBO and the Center for School Finance are pleased to publish four new resources to support TASBO members and make their jobs easier.
Budget and Tax Rate Adoption FAQ answers the most frequently asked questions on these topics. Since 2019, when House Bill 3 and Senate Bill 2 made significant changes to tax rate calculations and the process of tax rate adoption, many of us have had questions about implementing those laws and subsequent changes made in later legislative sessions. This resource represents the accumulation of those questions and answers.
2024 Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Calendar includes all the deadlines related to budget and tax rate adoption this year. Members of the Center for School Finance received a hard copy of the calendar at the CSF Luncheon at TASBO's Annual Engage Conference in February. If you were not able to attend, we hope you will print the calendar, customize the deadlines applicable to your district, and keep it close at hand throughout the coming months as your district adopts its budget and tax rate.
Texas School Finance Basics provides an overview of the school finance system. We hope that members can use this resource to facilitate their own understanding or to help other district staff, board members, parents, taxpayers, and others understand the complicated system and its impact on their district.
School District Financing Options is a chart that outlines financing tools available to school districts. Before considering a particular option, a district must consult with its financial advisor or bond counsel for specific information and guidance on the suitability and feasibility of any given option for the district.
We hope these resources are helpful, and we welcome your feedback. As always, we are available to answer your questions and otherwise support you in supporting your districts.